
Kick and punch. (Why Muay Thai should be your new sport.)

Okay. Of course, there’s more to Muay Thai than just kicks and punches. I just thought this title will get your attention.

Now that I do, let me explain what Muay Thai is, and how I’ve come to love this sport. Muay Thai is referred to as the “art of eight limbs.” If you’re wondering why “8”, I think it’s picture will best describe it:


Muay literally means “combat” and thai means “free people.” Muay is also derived from the Sanskrit word Mavya, which means “unite together.” According to, Muay Thai is engrained in the culture of the Siamese people because of the constant threat of war; it was then used as a combat weapon. Initially with the common and the poor, Muay Thai eventually became essential for royals based on the idea that good warriors become good rulers. This art form was practiced as a form of exercise, self-defense, and discipline.

I’ve started training for Muay Thai because of Niño (I’ll introduce him in another blog). And no, I’m not good at it YET or anything, but I’m really loving this sport. Here are some of the reasons why:

  1. It’s a stress-releasing activity. Imagine a really difficult day. You had an annoying colleague at work, or maybe, you had tons to do and didn’t eat lunch just to finish all of your work. Instead of taking your stress on a quarter pounder or an unli chicken wings, you release them through punches and kicks, and you release tons of endorphins after a good 1 or 2 hours of Muay Thai. That’s hitting 2 birds in one stone!
  2. It’s good for your body. The exercises (calisthenics, martial arts training, in-ring boxing) involved in Muay Thai can help you lose up to 690 calories. Some say it can even go over 1000 calories in an hour of exercise. Yes, you’ll be happier, fitter, and stronger!
  3. It makes you emotionally strong. You’ll receive a lot of punches and kicks every session, and you can’t get mad. You have to focus on defeating your opponent without feeling that they’re your enemy. You have to train your mind to direct your strength properly. And, you have to have the will not to give up. Muay Thai is a really tiring exercise, after all. Muay Thai can make you physically and emotionally stronger.
  4. It improves your balance and body coordination. I’m a really awkward person. I get tripped by my own foot sometimes, and I can’t dance. While Muay Thai isn’t a dance, it allows you to engage your body parts, so they’re coordinated. For instance, if you throw a kick on your left side, your left hand should go with it and give you a pull. With this, you understand your own body better and learn how to control its parts.Kicks in Muay Thai
  5. It allows you to gain new friends. There’s no better bond than shared trauma. Totally kidding! Learning a sport together lets you build a commonality. For men, the most comfortable way of bonding is through “organized inter-personal violence.”

Niño just has undergone his first public competition through the Philippine Thaiboxing Association in Amoranto Stadium, Quezon City. I did not join the competition but watching everyone compete made me like Muay Thai even more. I dare you to try it, too!


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