Environment,  Random Thoughts

To Fixing The Earth

When the earth was created 4.8 billion years ago, I imagine it to be all green and blue. The trees compete for the sunlight; the seas beat the rocks with waves and sing with the wind; the animals run like little children hiding from their mothers; the wind brings with it dried leaves and pollen as it moves.

Ancient Earth
The Earth Before Humans (Imagined)

Eventually, human creatures came to life. I’m not going to argue about creationism and evolution as I both believe them to be true.

Now, the earth seems to be nearing its final leg. It’s not long before the trees turn into grey, tall buildings, the seas into waste bins, the animals all become extinct.

Converted Lands - Philippines
Converted Lands
Sea of waste
Sea of plastic
Pangolins are one of the most trafficked animals in the world
Poached Pangolins

Having the “superior mind,” we think that we are the most important creation of all; we refuse to share the planet. We fix it as if it’s wrong; we make our lives convenient without thinking of the consequences of our actions to other species. If you come to think of it, it’s ironic how we look forward into the future and picture it with flying cars and talking robots but fail to see that we’re losing the earth in its natural form. Here’s what I found after searching for images of the future on google:

Images of the future
Google Search of “Images of the Future”

Maybe, it’s because we always feel that it’s a waste. Bringing your reusables to lunch is a waste of 5 minutes and a space in your bag. Throwing that plastic wrapper is a waste of 10 seconds for decision-making. Buying that eco bag that you can re-use for a few times is a waste of grocery money. And while thinking of all the waste, we destroy the planet little by little.

Or, maybe, it’s not the waste but the aesthetic value that makes us produce so much. Balloons are pretty in the sky.

Hot Air Balloons are Pretty
Hot Air Balloon Festival in Pampanga

Plastic flowers make your living room table a lot better. The plastic Christmas trees bring the holiday into its full bloom. The gifts look more attractive with the ribbons and the colored paper.

Wrapping paper waste
Discarded Wrapping Paper

Your face looks so much prettier in the photos with different types of make-up.

So, we fly 1000 balloons in the sky to celebrate existence. We replace flowers with plastic ones because they last longer (and then, replace them every other week for variety). We buy huge Christmas trees, but when some of their “stems” become crooked or some of their “leaves” fall out, we buy new ones and throw the 6-foot plastic tree away. We use different wrappers to surprise 30 kids and feel happy when they tear apart the fancy paper to reveal the toy inside. We buy different kinds of lipsticks, but since we can’t use them all at the same time, they expire, and they’re not so pretty anymore.

“If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” they say. So, why the hell are we fixing the planet?
